quinta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2013

Chicken Breast Stuffed with Prunes and Bacon Wrap / Peito de Frango Recheado com Ameixa                                           Seca e Tiras de Bacon

I was inspired by this dish when visiting Germany. At this time of the year the cities are full of Christmas markets where the smell of nutmeg,cinnamon, ginger and cloves fill the air. The fragrance of traditional smoked sausages mixed with the sweet aroma of spices led to this simple dish perfect for the holiday season.

Inspirei me neste prato durante a minha visita a Alemanha. Nesta altura do ano as cidades são recheadas de mercados de Natal onde o cheiro de noz.moscada, canela, gengibre e cravinho invadem os sentidos. A frangrância dos fumados e as especiarias levaram a criação deste prato simples, perfeito para a época Natalicia.

Ingredients / Ingredientes

2 chicken breasts / 2 peitos de frango
6 bacon strips / 6 tiras de bacon
10 prunes chopped / 10 ameixas secas sem caroço
Salt / Sal q.b.
Ground pepper / Pimento moída
A pinch of dried cloves / Uma pitada de cravinho moído
Fresh lemon juice of 1/2 a lemon / Sumo de 1/2 limão
Olive oil / Azeite

2 medium sized sweet potatoes / 2 batata-doce medias
2 potatoes / 2 batatas para cozer
Salt / Sal
Pinch of nutmeg / Pitada de noz-moscada
Ground pepper to taste / Pimenta moida q.b.
50 ml of milk / 50 ml de elite
1 egg yolk / 1 gema de ovo
2 tbs of butter / 2 c. de sopa de manteiga

Open the chicken breast and slice the thicker end slightly in order to open the chicken breast flat. Season with salt, pepper, lemon juice and cloves. Set aside. 

Chop the prunes and place a thin layer at the center of the chicken breast. Role and wrap  3 bacon strips around each breast. Tie with cooking string tightly.

Use a grilling pan with a lid. Heat a small amount of olive oil and place chicken roles over the grill. Cover and let cook for 4 minutes. Turn on the other side and grill another 4 minutes. Let stand with the lid for another 5 minutes. This will keep the juices in. 

Remove the cooking string slowly so as not to tear off the bacon.

Abra o peito de frango e de lhe um corte na parte mais grossa de forma abrir e ficar espalhmado. Tempere com sal, pimenta, sumo de limão e cravinho. Coloque de lado.

Remove o caroço a ameixa e pique. Coloque uma fila de ameixa picada no centro do peito de frango e enrole. Aperte bem e enrole 3 fatias de bacon a volta do rolo. Ata com fio de cozinha.

Aqueca um pouco de azeito numa frigideira com grelha. Necessita de tampa para a frigideira para cozinhar bem o frango mantendo suculento. Cozinhe durante 4 minutes com o lume alto e com a tampa. Vire o rolo e cozinhe durante mais 4 minutes. Mantem a tampa durante 5 minutos. 

Corte o fio devagar de forma a nao arrancar as tiras de bacon.

In a medium sized pan bring water to boil and season with salt. Peel the potatoes and cook for 30 minutes.

Strain and mash. Add milk, butter, nutmeg and pepper and mix well until creamy. Add 1 egg yolk and stir well.

Num tacho medio ponha agua a ferver e tempere com sal. Descasque as batatas e batata-doce e junte. Coze durante 30 minutos.

Escoe e esmague as batatas. Junte leite, manteiga, noz-moscada e pimenta. Misture bem ate obter uma consistência cremosa. Junte uma gema de ovo e misture bem.

Serve with steamed green beans seasons with salt, lemon and a bit of butter.

Serve com feijão verde a vapor com sal, limão e um pouco de manteiga.

domingo, 1 de dezembro de 2013

Going to be inspired with German Cuisine / Inspiração com Culinária Alemã

I will not be posting recipes this week due to travels. Stay tuned next week for new ideas. 
Esta semana não vou postar novas receitas. Vou viajar e inspirar me em novas cultiras. Fique atento para novas receitas daqui a uma semana. 

quarta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2013

Pumpkin Pie / Tarte de Abóbora

Pumpkin Pie is an all American favorite. This recipe will teach you how to make a pumpkin puree and avoid store bought pumpkin pie mix. This sweet and spice infused dessert is perfect for holiday events.

A tarte de abóbora é uma sobremesa eleita pelos Americanos. Esta receita ensina-lhe a fazer o pure de abóbora de raiz. Uma infusão de especiarias adocicadas; esta sobremesa é perfeita para as festas Natalicias. 

Ingredients / Ingredientes

Cookie crust / Base de bolacha
600 ml condensensed milk / leite condensado
800 ml pumpkin puree / puré de abóbora
3 whole eggs / 3 ovos inteiros

Pumpkin Pure / Puré de abóbora

+/- 1 kl of chopped pumpkin / abóbora cortada aos pedaços
100 g of unsalted butter / manteiga sem sal
2 tbs of butter / c. de sopa de manteiga
1 tsp of nutmeg / c. de chá de noz moscada
1 tsp of ginger / c. de chá de gengibre
4 cloves / cravinhos
100 ml of Sweet Vermouth / Martini Rosso
200 ml of water / agua
100 g brown sugar / açucar mascavado

Sauté the pumpkin in the butter for about 3 minutes. Add spices and Sweet Vermouth and continue stirring. As the liquid begins to evaporate add the water and sugar. Simmer for about 20 minutes and puré. Set aside.

Refogar a abóbora em manteiga durante cerca de 3 minutos. Acrescente as especiarias e o Martini Rosso e continue a mexer. Conforme o liquido vá evaporando junte a agua e açucar. Deixe cozinhar em lume brando durante 20 minutes, Passe com um passevite e coloque de lado.

Cookie Crust / Base de Bolacha

1 packet of Graham Crackers / 1 pacote de Bolacha Maria
80 g. of plain butter / manteiga sem sal
1 tbs of sugar / 1 c. de sopa de açucar

Mix the ingredients in a food processor.
Coloque os ingredientes num processador de alimentos.

Preheat the oven to 160ºc. Butter a pie dish and firmly press the mixture for the the bottom crust onto the bottom of the dish. Slightly come up the sides. Bake for about 10 minutes. Let cool for 5 and firmly press the filling into the pie dish.
Aqueça o forno a 160º c. Unte uma tarteira e pressione a base de bolacha no fundo subindo ligeiramente pelos lados. Leve ao forno durante 10 minutes. Deixe arrefecer antes de colocar a massa da tarte.

Pumpkin Filling / Recheio de abóbora

In a medium sized bowl mix the pumpkin puree, condensed milk and eggs and beat thoroughly. Pour over cookie crust and bake for 40 minutes.

Numa taçã media misture o puré de abóbora, leite condensado e os ovos. Misture bem e verte sobre a base de bolacha. Leve ao forno e cozinhe durante 40 minutes. 

sábado, 23 de novembro de 2013


Olive Paté / Paté de Azeitona

This versatile paté can me made and stored for up to a week in the fridge. Add it to a baked potato, pasta or spread on crackers as an appetizer. Perfect for vegetarians and lactose intolerant. Parmesan cheese is the only cheese that has had the lactose removed during its manufacturing. 

Este paté é bastante versatil e pode ser feito com antecebdência e guardado no frigorifico durante uma semana. Junte á batata assada, misture com massa ou barre em tostas como canapé. Esta receita é perfeito para vegetarianos e para quem é intolerante á lactose. No processo de fabrico do queijo Parmesan é removido toda lactose. 

Ingredients /Ingredientes

200 g black olives / azeitonas pretas
60 g fresh basil / mangericão fresco
Zest of 1 lemon / raspa de limão
10 g pine nuts / pinhões
4 garlic heads / cabeças de alho
Sea salt to taste / Sal grosso q.b.
Ground pepper to taste / Pimenta moida q.b.
1/2 tsp dried oregano / 1 c. de chá oregãos secos
100 ml olive oil / azeite
                                                                                           4 tsp grated Parmesan cheese / 4 c. de chá de                                                                                                                                    Parmesan ralado

In a medium sized frying pan heat 30 ml of olive oil and sauté the garlic for 3 minutes. Add the pine nuts and cook for another 2 minutes. Turn off heat.

Wash and remove basil leaves. Place all the ingredients in a food processor and put on medium spead. Slowly add the rest of the olive oil. Continue to puree until a grainy paste is formed.

Store in a container and place in the refrigerator. 

Numa frigideira media aqueça 30 ml de azeite e coloque as cabeças de alho. Cozinhe durante cerca de 3 minutes. Junte os pinhões e deixe aloirar durante cerca de 2 minutes. Desligue e coloque de lado.

Lave e remova as folhas do mangericão. Coloque todos os ingredientes, guardando o azeite por ultimo, num processedor de alimentos. Ligue na velocidade media. Junte o azeite aos poucos. Triture até obter uma pasta granulado.

Guarde num recipiente e leve ao frigorifico.

quarta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2013


Brownies are part of american traditional sweets. Not only served as a dessert but also as a snack. This recipe includes a pinch of Cayenne pepper bringing out the richness of the chocolate and softens the sweetness of the sugar. 

"Brownies" são um doce traditional americano. São servidos não só como sobremesa mas também como lanche. Este receita incluí uma pitada de pimenta Cayena atenuando a sabor intenso do chocolate e suavizando o doce do açucar. 

Ingredients / Ingredientes

200 g unsalted butter / manteiga sem sal
220 g sugar / açucar
220 g brown sugar / açucar amarelo
220 g flour / farinha
180 g dark chocolate / chocolate preto
1/4 tsp Cayenne pepper / 1/4 c. de chá de pimenta Cayena
1/4 tsp salt / 1/4 c. de chá de sal
1 tsp vanilla extract / 1 c. de chá de essência de baunilha
4 eggs  / ovos
Powder sugar / Açucar em pó

Preheat the oven to 160 º c.

In a double boiler melt the chocolate with the butter.

In a mixing bowl beat the eggs and salt until liquid. Add the sugar and vanilla and continue to whisk for one more minute. Add the melted chocolate and the Cayenne pepper and beat on a higher spead for an additional minute. Fold in the batter with a spatula. 

Grease a pan and pour batter. Smooth the top and cook for 25 minutes. Let cool for 30 minutes on a rack.

Cut into squares and sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

Aqueça o forno a 160 º c.

Derreta o chocolate e manteiga em banho Maria.

Coloque os ovos e sal numa taça e com uma batedeira electrica bata até ficar liquido. Acrescente o açucar e baunilha e continue a bater durante 1 minuto. Junte o chocolate derretido e a pimenta Cayena e continue a bater. Acrescente a farinha e envolve na mistura lentamente com uma espatula. 

Unte un tabuleiro de forno rectangular e verte a massa de bolo. Leve ao forno durante 25 minutes.

Deixe arrefecer durante 30 minutes e corte em quadrados. Polvorize com açucar em pó utilizando um pequeno filtro.

domingo, 17 de novembro de 2013

Whole Grain Spaghetti with Salmon, Broccoli and Parmesan

This light and simple dish is perfect for the whole family. It is a great way to introduce fish and vegetables into children´s diet. All you will need is a medium sized pan and a strainer; no mess! The three main spices incorporated in this dish are bay leaves, cloves and dill. Salmon and dill pair very nicely together and are common in both Scandinavian and Russian cuisine. Add a scoop of plain yogurt to the dish for some extra creaminess. 


250 g of fresh salmon
4 bay leaves
4 whole cloves
2 tsp of dried dill
1 lemon sliced thinly
Sea salt
Ground Pepper
80 ml of olive oil
1 medium sized broccoli bouquet
250 g whole grain spaghetti
60 g freshly grated Parmesan Cheese

Bring a medium sized pot of water to boil. Add the lemon slices, cloves and bay leaves. Season with salt. The cloves bring a nice rich flavor to your stock. Allow to boil for 5 minutes in order to for these ingredients to blend together for a spicy, herbal infused stock. Place the chopped broccoli heads in the pan and cook for 5 minutes. Remove with a strainer and set aside. 

Place the salmon in the seasoned water for no longer than 4 to 5 minutes. Remove and set aside.

Add 1 tbs of olive oil to the water. Remove the cloves, bay leaves and lemon slices and place the whole grain pasta in the boiling water. Whole grain pasta takes slightly longer to cook so allow to boil for 10 to 12 minutes. 

In a mixing bowl break up the salmon into small pieces with your fingers. Mix in the broccoli and season with ground pepper and a pinch of salt.

Strain the spaghetti and mix into the salmon and broccoli. Drizzle with the remaining olive oil and season with the dill. Top with freshly grated Parmesan cheese. 

Serve 4.

quinta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2013

Green Lentils with Soy Sausage and Veggies

This is the perfect vegetarian comfort dish. Serve with slices of rustic bread and enjoy sitting on the coach in front of a fire. Lactose free and full of flavors and spices. Cumin is the spice of choice for this particular dish and pairs harmoniously with the lentils and the smokiness of the sausage.


250 g dried green lentils
Olive oil
2 medium sizes tomatoes diced
1/2 chopped onion
1 finely diced chili pepper
1/2 tsp grated fresh ginger
5 medium sized soy sausages finely chopped
1 small cabbage thinly chopped
1 tsp sugar
2 tbs dried cumin
50 ml soy sauce
250 ml white wine
1 sliced lemon

Soak the lentil in a bowl of water over night. Strain and boil in a pot of water for 20 minutes. Set aside.

Saute the onion, chili pepper and ginger in a bit of olive oil on medium heat. Cook thoroughly for about 5 to 7 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the soy sausage and cook until golden. This will add a nice smoky flavor to the lentils. Add the tomato and cabbage and season with a pinch of sea salt. Cook on medium heat for 4 minutes. Add the lentils, soy sauce, cumin, sugar and white wine. Cover and let cook on low heat for 20 minutes. Remove lid and serve in a bowl. Squeeze a bit of fresh lemon juice to bring together all the flavors.

Serve with slices of fresh rustic bread or toast. Add a scoop of natural yogurt to freshen up your dish.

terça-feira, 12 de novembro de 2013

What to have in the Kitchen

After having received several messages from my fellow bloggers about not having some of the ingredients in their pantry when preparing to make some of my recipes I have decided to make a list of key ingredients to have at all times in the kitchen and pantry. This will make your cooking experience more efficient.

Refrigerator: Pesto Sauce, Soy Sauce, Mustard (Dijon, Honey), Homemade breadcrumbs, Diced onions in a Tupperware, Black Olives, Heavy Cream (Soy), Plain yogurt, Unsalted Butter, Margarine, Eggs, White Wine for cooking, Chili Peppers, Lemons, Plain Yogurt , Parmesan Cheese

Pantry: Variety of rices (wheat, basmati, black), Variety of pasta, Tomato paste, Canned Diced Tomatoes, Canned Tuna Fish, Lentils, Beans, Honey, Olive Oil, Truffle Oil, Sun dried Tomatoes, Flour, Sugar, Variety of Nuts, Sweet potatoes, Onions, Garlic, Dark Chocolate, Condensed Milk, Graham Crackers (bolacha Maria), Balsamic Vinegar.

Spices: Oregano, Basil, Coriander, Chili Powder, Dill, Thyme, Curry, Paprika, Cummin, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Cloves, Dried Bay leaves, Ground Pepper, Seasoning Cubes, Vanilla Extract

domingo, 10 de novembro de 2013

Octopus Trickster Rice

This is an adapted version of a traditional Portuguese dish. "Malandro", the word for trickster stems from the fact that the rice, although thoroughly cooked, baths in extra stock. I have added chili peppers, chives and Marinara sauce to neutralize the fishiness of the octopus. A trick to keep the meat tender is not only to never put salt directly onto the octopus, but also boil it previously with hard alcohol ( tequila, firewater, vodka).


1 kl frozen octopus
200 ml tequila
1/2 red pepper sliced
1/2 onion diced
1 chili pepper diced
1 tbs chopped chives
Olive oil
200 ml Marinara Sauce
500 ml water from the boiled octopus
Sea Salt
Juice from 1/2 a lemon
1 tsp of sugar
500 g of rice (I prefer sticky rice, ideal for risotto to absorb all the flavors)

Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add the defrosted octopus and the tequila. Cook for about 20 minutes. Strain and reserve 500 ml of the water and set aside.

In a medium sized pot saute the onion, peppers, chives and chili pepper for 7 minutes. Stirring occasionally. Season with sea salt. Chop the octopus into medium sized bits and saute for 3 minutes. Add the Marinara Sauce and the water from the octopus. Combine the lemon juice and sugar. Bring to a boil.

Add the rice and stir. Add another 900 ml of water and bring to a boil. Stir for 20 minutes and serve.

Serves 4 to 6.

quinta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2013

Ginger and Soy Chicken, Steamed Kale and Black Rice

This a a healthy meal for the day to day for those of you who are too busy to spend time in the kitchen. This meal can be prepared in 30 minutes. Black rice is a whole grain and depending on the brand can be prepared in 18 minutes. The ginger is just perfect for the cold season, not only spicing up the dish but full of anti oxidants to help you resist the cold and flu season. The bitterness of the kale pairs harmoniously with the spicy, fragrant ginger and the nutty taste of the black rice.


250 g black rice
1/2 diced small onion
500 ml water
olive oil
sea salt

600 g chicken breast
40 ml soy sauce
freshly ground pepper
1 tsp grated ginger root

150 g of chopped kale
100 ml water
sea salt

Season the chicken breast with the ginger, soy and ground pepper. Set aside.

Saute the onion in a bit of olive oil on medium heat for about 4 minutes. Add 500 ml of water and season with salt. Add the rice and bring to a boil. Cover and cook for 18 minutes on medium heat. Let stand for 5 minutes with the lid on.

Place the kale, water and a pinch of salt in a medium sized pot. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes.

On a grilling skillet heat a small amount of olive oil. Place the chicken breast and cover with a lid to keep in the juices. Cook 3 minutes on either side on medium heat.

* Serves 4. Make extra kale and rice and use the next day to mix into a salad for lunch. Throw in apple slices, arugula, dried cranberries, nuts and season with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

domingo, 3 de novembro de 2013

Mallard Duck Breast with Chocolate Balsamic Sauce and  Spaghetti with Zucchini and Truffle Oil

Mallard Duck Breast has a soft and delicate texture. The Chocolate Balsamic Sauce gives a nice sweet and spicy contrast to the duck. The truffle spaghetti pairs nicely with the rich flavors and comes together resulting in a warm composition. This recipe serves 3 to 4.


500 g Mallard Duck Breast
Sea Salt
Ground Pepper

1 diced onion
1 chopped chili pepper
100 g tomato paste
3 tbs cocoa powder
30 ml of balsamic vinegar
1 tsp dried rosemary
Sea Salt
100 ml of water

2 medium sized zucchinis with seeds removed
Sea salt
Ground pepper
Olive oil
50 ml truffle oil
Freshly grated Parmesan cheese
500 g spaghetti

Season the duck breast with salt and pepper and set aside.

In a medium sized pot saute the onion slowly in a bit of olive oil. Add the chopped chili pepper and continue to stir on medium heat. Add the tomato paste, vinegar and cocoa powder. Reduce heat and let cook slowly. Add the water, rosemary and a pinch of salt. Let sauce reduce and thicken.

Cut the zucchini into medium sized cubes and season with salt. Let stand in a strainer for about 30 minutes to remove excess water. On a grilling skillet saute the zucchini for a couple of minutes until golden. Set aside.

Heat a grilling skillet with a small amount of olive oil. Mallard duck has a fatty layer and will release a good amount of oil onto the skillet. Place the duck on the fatty side first and grill for 3 minutes on high heat. Grill on the other side for another 3 minutes. The duck should be crispy on the outside and medium rare on the inside. Set aside.

Boil a large pot of water and season with salt. Cook the spaghetti for 7 to 10 minutes and strain. Mix with the grilled zucchini and infuse with truffle oil. Sprinkle with fresh pepper and freshly grated Parmesan cheese.

Slice the duck breast thinly and cover with the chocolate sauce.

quarta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2013


This traditional Portuguese chocolate dessert actually originated in Brasil. Similar to soft fudge with chocolate sprinkles; this is the perfect finger food for the utmost sweet tooth. Pair it off with a nice glass of red wine or an expresso.


400 g condensed milk
50 g unsalted butter
125 g cocoa powder
1/2 tsp whiskey
Chocolate sprinkles

In a medium sized pot melt the butter. Poor in condensed milk and cocoa powder and stir. The key to making a creamy, thick batter is to continue stirring for about 10 minutes. Keep heat on low/medium in order to avoid burning and sticking to the pan. Add the whiskey and continue stirring. When the mixture begins to slowly bubble reduce heat and continue stirring for another 2 minutes. Turn off heat.

Grease a bowl and poor the chocolate mixture into the bowl to cool. Allow to cool over night or for about 4 hours. 

Grease your hands and make small balls. The grease will avoid the chocolate  from sticking to your hands as you role them. Dunk the chocolate balls into the sprinkles and place in small cupcake holders.

domingo, 27 de outubro de 2013

Chicken Burger with Veggies and Tomatoes with Orange Pesto Sauce

This delicious burger is not only healthy but easy to make. Make extra and freeze! Children will love this healthy option  and can get involved in the cooking process. Give an extra kick to store bought pesto sauce by adding fresh orange juice and extra grated Parmesan cheese. 


700 g of chicken breast
150 g bread crumbs with herbs
1 small diced onion
1 shredded carrot
1/2 chopped red pepper
1 whole egg
Olive oil
Salt and ground pepper
Pinch of nutmeg

Place chicken breasts in a food processor with a pinch of salt. Set aside in a mixing bowl.

Saute the onion in a bit of olive oil for 3 minutes on medium heat. Add the peppers and carrots and cook on low heat for about 7 minutes, stirring occasionally . Season with a pinch of salt and ground pepper. Let cool.

Mix the bread crumbs with your favorite herbs together with the ground chicken. Blend in the cooked vegetables with your hands. (get your kids to delve into the mixture). Add the nutmeg and egg and continue to combine.

Divide the mixture and roll into medium sized balls. Press them down with the palm of your hand to make a burger. Makes 6 to 8.

Cook on a grilled skillet with a bit of olive oil. Cover with a lid to keep in all of the juices. Grill about 3 minutes on medium heat on either side. Brush with a coat of truffle oil for a more exquisite flavor.

For the orange pesto sauce simply mix the juice from one orange, 4 tbs of store bought pesto sauce and 30 g fresh Parmesan cheese. Place in a blender and mix for 1 minute. 

Slice the tomato and poor the sauce over generously. Place extra Parmesan thinly sliced on top.

quinta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2013

Vegetarian No Crust Quiche 

This is a quick and tasty dish that can be served warm or at room temperature. Serves 6 to 8 and perfect for last minute guests. Can be made ahead of time and reheated in the oven at a low temperature. A food processor will speed up preparation time and is an essential tool in the kitchen.


1 red onion diced
3 medium sized zucchinis grated
4 leaks finely sliced
5 whole eggs
300 ml milk
180 g goat cheese / 50 g fresh Parmesan grated 
3 tsp flour
2 tbs mustard
1 tsp nutmeg
Sea Salt
Ground Pepper
2 tsp dill
Olive oil

Slice and dice the vegetables in a food processor separately. In a large cooking pan add about 50 ml of olive oil and saute the onions and leaks slowly for about 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Add the zucchini, dill and nutmeg and continue cooking on low heat. Cover and allow the vegetables to sweat for another 5 minutes. Let cool for a few minutes.

In a mixing bowl combine the eggs, milk, grated cheeses, mustard and flour. Beat well with a mixer. Set aside.

Preheat the oven to 150º c. Grease an oven dish and place the vegetable evenly. Poor the egg  mixture and carefully spread evenly throughout the vegetables. Cook for 10 to 15 minutes.

terça-feira, 22 de outubro de 2013

Spaghetti with Grilled Foie Gras, Cremini Mushrooms and Port Wine Sauce

This is a quick and savory dish easy for even the "non chef". This fragrant and warm dish is ready in under 30 minutes. Foie Gras is quite fatty so no additional oil will be necessary for this dish. Either place the grilled Foie Gras over the spaghetti or chop it up to blend with the rest of the ingredients. I prefer to mix it all up to balance out the consistency of the ingredients. For vegetarians I suggest grilling slices of smoked tofu and adding a bit of olive oil to your pasta. Serves 4.


200 g of sliced cremini mushrooms
1 chopped red onion
1 chopped garlic head
800 g of Foie Gras or 350 g of smoked tofu
Olive oil
Sea salt
Ground Pepper
1 tsp of dry rosemary
150 ml of Tawny Port Wine
500 g of spaghetti

Sautee the garlic and onion in 40 ml of olive oil. Cook on low heat for about 7 minutes and allow the onion to release its juices and gently caramelize. Season with salt, ground pepper and rosemary. Add the mushrooms and turn up the heat. Cook until golden, about 3 minutes, stirring consistently. Pour in the Port Wine and simmer for about 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and set aside. 

Slice the Foie Gras into medium sized slices. Heat a medium sized grilling pan and place the sliced gently. Foie Gras easily comes apart so be careful when turning over. Season with a pinch of sea salt. The Foie Gras will release a lot of oil which will be used to blend with the boiled spaghetti. Cook on either side for about 1 1/2 minutes.

Boil a large pot of water and season with sea salt and drizzle with a bit of olive oil. Add the spaghetti and separate the strands with a cooking fork to avoid sticking. Cook for 7 to 10 minutes. Strain the pasta and place beneath cold running water for 30 seconds. 

Place all the ingredients in a large bowl and mix thoroughly. Serve in a pasta dish and sprinkle fresh ground pepper and a pinch of ground sea salt to taste. 

domingo, 20 de outubro de 2013

Chocolate Souffle

This delicate, rich dessert is perfect for all you chocolate lovers. The texture of your souffle should be light and velvety  It is easy to prepare and can be done ahead of time so all you need to do is beat the egg whites and fold gently into your chocolate mixture. This dessert bakes for only 5 to 7 minutes and serves 4. Add different flavors such as ginger, orange zest or Cayenne pepper for a more exotic flavor and impress your guests. Serve warm with fresh berries or simple.


100 g of dark chocolate
30 g unsalted butter
3 egg yolks and 3 egg whites separate 
4 tbs of sugar
A pinch of sea salt
1/2 tsp of vanilla essence
50 ml vegetable oil
100 ml heavy cream
3 tbs flour

In a double boiler melt the chocolate with the butter.

In a separate bowl combine the egg yolks, sugar, vanilla and a pinch of sea salt and mix well. Add the vegetable oil, cream and melted chocolate. Mix thoroughly and add the flour. Set aside.

In a separate bowl beat the egg whites until firm.

Grease the souffle dishes and preheat the oven to 150ºc. Gently fold the egg whites into the chocolate mixture. Pour the mixture into the dishes filling them up 3/4. It is important to leave room for the souffle to grow. 

Cook for 5 - 7 minutes. Serve immediately. 

sexta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2013

Puff Pastry Stuffed with Goat Cheese and Apple Glazed with Honey and Nuts

A simple and elegant entree or serve as a vegetarian main course with a salad or even as a sweet and savory dessert served with a chalice of port wine. Make extra and freeze before adding the egg ...perfect for a last minute dinner party. Remove from the freezer 1 hour before cooking time. 


Store bought puff pastry
2 to 3 thin slices of goat cheese for each pastry
2 to 3 thin slices of peeled apple
Honey to taste
3 crumbled nuts for each pastry
1 egg for approximately 3 to 4 pastries
2 tsb of flour
Non stick spray

On a clean surface sprinkle the flour and spread before laying out puff pastry to avoid sticking to the counter top. Place the tea saucer over the dough and cut circles. In the center of each circle put one layer of goat cheese and cover with another layer of apple slices. Fold the pastry into a half circle and pinch borders together with your fingers. 

Preheat the oven at 150º c and grease an oven pan or baking tray.

Beat one egg and brush each side of the pastry with the egg. Place each pastry on your tray and bake for 15 to 20 minutes until top is golden.

Remove and transfer to a serving plate. Sprinkle with crumbled nuts and top with honey.

quarta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2013

Pan Fried Tofu with Rosemary Quinoa and Caramelized Carrots

Quinoa is not a grain but a seed. It is a wonderful substitute for rice, pasta or potatoes and much more nutritional. This dish is perfect for the newly founded vegetarian and easy to make. If your cooking for others who do not care for tofu substitute it with chicken or turkey and follow the rest of the recipe as is. The caramelized carrots give a nice contrast the the slightly spicy tofu and nutty flavor of the quinoa. Careful with the rosemary as it has an overpowering flavor. A little goes a long way.



250 g of tofu
200 g of wheat flour
1 tsp of your favorite dry herb
3 tbs of soy sauce
1 chopped chili pepper
150 ml of peanut oil

Mix the flour, herbs and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Set aside.
Slice tofu into 1 cm thick slices. Season with soy sauce and chopped chili pepper. Set aside for at least 30 minutes. Remove the chili pepper from the tofu slices and cover with the flour mixture on both sides. 
Heat of the peanut oil in a large surface frying pan. Place the slices onto the heated oil and cook about 2 minutes on each side until golden. Careful not to burn!
Lay the tofu on paper towel to remove excess oil.



250 g of pure quinoa
500 ml of vegetable stock or water seasoned with salt and olive oil
1 sprig of fresh rosemary

Mix the ingredients in a pot and boil. Cover and cook on medium heat for 17 minutes. Turn off heat and let stand for 5 minutes with the lid. 

Caramelized Carrots


2 large carrots peeled and cut about 1 cm thick
300 ml of water
Salt to taste
1 tsp of butter
1 tsp of brown sugar
Ground pepper to taste

Boil the water in a small pot and season with salt. Add the carrots and cook for about 20 minutes. Strain the carrots and add butter, sugar and pepper.

segunda-feira, 14 de outubro de 2013

Balsamic Chicken with Herbs 

Brown Rice with Sauteed Veggies 

This is a low calorie meal. Perfectly satisfying and nutritional. All wheat and non processed foods are a healthier option. Make extra rice and store in the fridge for up to 3 days. Excellent  for mixing into a salad or for pot pies the next day.

Balsamic Chicken


1 chicken breast per person
3 tbs of balsamic vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste  
2 tsp of a mix of Italian herbs
1 tsp of olive oil for grilling

Season the chicken breast with the ingredients and set aside for about 30 minutes as you get your rice started.

Poor the olive oil onto a grilled pan and heat up the surface. Place the chicken breast on top and press down with a spatula. Cook on either side 2 minutes. Lower heat and cover with a lid or tinfoil and allow to thoroughly cook for another 3 minutes.

Brown Rice


250 g brown rice
2 tbs of olive oil
625 ml of seasons water (salt or vegetable broth)

The ratio for cooking brown rice is 1 - 2.5.
Use a large pan in order for the heat to be evenly dispersed. This will result in a nice loose, grainy substance. Add the rice, broth (or salt with water), the olive oil and stir. Cover and bring to a boil. Lower to a medium heat. Normally brown rice will take up to 40 - 50 minutes to cook, but check your pan after 30 minutes. Once your rice is done set aside with the lid for 5 minutes to become firm.

Sauteed Veggies

Finely chop a variety of your favorite vegetables in a wok or grilling pan in a bit of olive oil. Season to taste.
Mix up your veggies with the brown rice. 

domingo, 13 de outubro de 2013

Pumpkin Spice Cake 

This moist, spice infused cake is perfect for dessert or for afternoon tea. Add some food coloring to the icing for a more exciting visual affect. When making the pumpkin puré, make extra and freeze for future cooking. A definite time saver.

Pumpkin Pure


+/- 1 kl of chopped pumpkin
100 g of unsalted butter
2 tbs of butter
1 tsp of nutmeg
1 tsp of ginger
4 cloves
100 ml of Sweet Vermouth
200 ml of water
100 g brown sugar

Sauté the pumpkin in the butter for about 3 minutes. Add spices and Sweet Vermouth and continue stirring. As the liquid begins to evaporate add the water and sugar. Simmer for about 20 minutes and puré. Set aside.



500 g of flour
1/2 tsp of salt
1/2 tsp of baking powder
150 ml of vegetable oil
2 whole eggs
250 g of brown sugar
Pumpkin puré
1 tsp of cinnamon 
100 g of dried cranberries

Preheat the oven at 160ºc. Mix the flour, salt and baking powder thoroughly.

In a separate bowl beat the eggs and add the vegetable oil, brown sugar, cinnamon and dried cranberries. Mix well. Add the dry ingredients.

Butter a cake pan and pour in mixture. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes. Remove and let cool before applying icing.

Marscapone Icing


200 g of marscapone cheese
150 g of powdered sugar
50 g of unsalted butter

Put the ingredients in a blender or food processor until creamy. Add food coloring to your taste. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Cover the top of the cake with the icing and sprinkle with cinnamon.

quinta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2013

Risotto with Smoked Tofu, Cremini Mushrooms and Cheddar Cheese

This is a variation of your traditional risotto which is made with Parmesan cheese. I guarantee that if you substitute Parmesan for any other sharp cheese that the end result will be just as scrumptious. So if you do not think you have what it takes in your kitchen to make risotto, try something new anyway. Any sweet wine or orange liquor can add a playful zest to your risotto.


300 ml of risotto rice
½ of a red onion diced
A splash of red or white sweet vermouth
800 ml of vegetable stock
200g of cremini mushrooms
100g of smoked minced tofu
1 tsp of pesto
30g of unsalted butter
A pinch of cayenne pepper
100g of grated cheddar cheese

Sauté ½ of the chopped onion in 15g of unsalted butter. Add the tofu and pesto and let cook on medium heat during 3 minutes. Add sliced mushrooms and season with a pinch of salt and a dash of cayenne pepper. Turn up the heat and add a bit of sweet vermouth. Let evaporate and switch off. Set aside.

Sauté the rest of the diced onion in 15g of unsalted butter. Add the risotto and stir for 1 to 2 minutes consistently. Cover with sweet vermouth and cook for another 1 minute. Slowly add the heated stock and stir at all times. As the liquid evaporates continue to add the stock and do not forget to stir. Risotto takes about 20 minutes of consistent stirring.  

Turn off the heat and blend in grated cheese and mushrooms. (Save a bit of cheese to sprinkle over each dish). Serve immediately with a fresh cherry tomato garnish seasoned with a bit of balsamic vinegar. 

French Toast Dessert with Honey and Port Wine Sauce

There is a Portuguese traditional Christmas dessert called RABANADAS , which is very similar to the french toast recipe. If you are using sliced bread this dessert should be eaten on the same day. For baguettes it can be stored for up to 3 days as long as it is covered with the Port Wine sauce. Enjoy with a scoop of cream and a glass of Port.

4 to 6 slices of white or wheat sliced bread
2 eggs
50 ml of milk
Brown sugar
1 tbs of honey
1 cinnamon stick and a tsp of powdered cinnamon
1 small chalise of red port wine
Nonstick butter spray

Beat the eggs and milk together with a pinch of salt.
Soak the bread on either side to absorb the egg and milk mixture. Set aside.

In a small sauce pan add the port wine, cinnamon stick, honey and a pinch of nutmeg. Simmer on low heat during 20 minutes. Add a tbs or two of water if necessary.

In a large frying pan cover with the nonstick spray and put heat on medium. Fry each slice until golden. Cut triangularly in half. Lay on a serving tray and cover with the port wine sauce. Allow the French toast to absorb the port wine sauce at least during 20 minutes before serving. Sprinkle with powdered cinnamon. Serve at room temperature.

Split Pea Soup with Fresh Mint Leaves

This is a perfect soup very the winter or the summer. Just add a bit of bacon while sautéing to give it a warm smoky flavor or keep it light and fresh with the original recipe.


200g frozen peas
2 large carrots
1 red onion
2 medium sized potatoes
1 medium size bouquet of fresh mint leaves
Olive oil
Drizzle of fresh cream

Sauté the chopped onion in a medium sized soup pan. Add in chopped vegetables and mint leaves but reserve the peas for the last 15 minutes of the cooking time. Cover with water 2 inches above the vegetables. Boil for 20 minutes and then add in the peas for another 15 minutes. Switch off the heat and blend the soup with a blender. Pour a bowl of soup and top with a bit of fresh cream and sprinkle with fresh pepper.